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2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: [ˈɡælvəˌnaɪzd] 英式发音: [ˈɡælvənaɪzd]







adj.1.galvanized metal is covered with a layer of zinc to protect it from being damaged, mainly used in American English, same as galvanised in British English

v.1.the past tense and past participle of galvanize

1.镀锌的 galvanize 镀锌 galvanized 镀锌的 galvanized iron 镀锌铁皮 ...

2.电镀 GA    Gage,Gauge 测量 GALV    Galvanized 电镀 GR    Grade 等级 ...

3.镀锌板 吊顶 condole 镀锌板 galvanized 中聚苯乙烯 In polystyrene ...

4.电镀的 galvanized steel jacket 镀锌钢套 galvanized 电镀的 galvanizer 电镀器;电镀工 ...

5.镀锌钢板 冷轧钢板 Rolled 镀锌钢板 Galvanized 热轧钢板 Rolled ...

6.无镀锌·镀锌 (参考值) Approximate 无镀锌·镀锌 Galvanized B种 Grade B ...


1.In Asia, prices of hot dip galvanized sheets and electrolytic galvanized sheets have continued to fall since the beginning of this year.亚洲自今年开始,其热镀白铁皮和电解白铁皮的价格就在持续下跌。

2.During an appearance on the Fox News Sunday television program, he said the nation has been galvanized.彼得雷乌斯将军在接受福克斯周日新闻电视节目采访时说,巴基斯坦群情激昂。

3.Zinc at room temperature, the surface easy to generate a protective film, so The largest use of zinc are used in galvanized industry.锌在常温下表面易生成一层保护膜,所以锌最大的用途是用于镀锌工业。

4.Surface passivation by chromate for the hot dip galvanized plate is applied to prevent the surface oxidation during the pro-cess time.热镀锌板表面钝化(铬酸盐钝化),主要是为了防止在使用过程中其表面被氧化。

5.Immediately following the Roe decision, those who did not want to see women participate equally in society were galvanized.Roe案件的判决刚刚作出之后,那些不想看到妇女平等地参与社会生活的人受到了很大的刺激。

6.The Panic galvanized the big bankers to put on a concerted putsch for a Lender of Last Resort in the shape of a central bank.危机促使银行巨头们齐心协力发动一场“政变”,联手建立一个中央银行来作为他们的守护天使。

7.The invention additionally discloses a galvanized steel sheet coated with the surface treating agent and the preparation method thereof.本发明还公开了表面涂覆了该表面处理剂的镀锌钢板及其制备方法。

8.pipe material and its usefulness is not the same but is divided into: galvanized steel riveting , there is no rust steel riveted steel pipe.焊管因其材料和用处没有同而分成:镀锌铆接钢管,没有锈钢铆接钢管。

9.Also disclosed is an apparatus for cleaning a hot-dip galvanized steel sheet, which is used for carrying out such a method.另外,还提供用于实施该方法的热镀锌钢板的清洗装置。

10.Doors, short ladders, sheets of galvanized metal, etc can all be used to improvise stretchers . Keep an eye out for suitable materials.门、短梯、镀锌板都可以用来临时做成担架,所以请留心身边合适的材料。
